Upcoming fixtures
Tues 11th Sept: U16B camogie championship Broadford-Parteen V Truagh Clonlara in Broadford at 6:15pm
Wed 12th Sept: U8 hurling challenge V Claughan in Lanahrone at 6:30pm
Fri 14th Sept: U13B hurling championship Parteen-Meelick V Scariff Ogonelloe in Meelick at 6:30pm
Fri 14th Sept: U13 camogie championship Parteen V Wolfe Tones in Lanahrone at 6:30pm
Sun 16th Sept: U16C hurling Cup final Parteen Meelick V Ennistymon in Cusack Park. Time TBC
Pairtin Abu
Best of luck to all teams.
All support welcome.
Well done to our Intermediate team who are in the Quarter Final of the championship. They will play Corofin the w/e of 22nd/23rd Sept.
More details to follow.