We would like to thank Edwards Lifesciences on selecting Parteen GAA & Camogie Club as a recipient of the Edwards Lifesciences Foundation grant. This will help benefit the existing facilities of Parteen GAA & Camogie Club and those visiting our great club. In addition to this financial contribution, Edwards employees from their Shannon plant will volunteer a number of man-hours to the renovation of the club.
We are very grateful for this initiative and to the adjudicating panel which includes the GAA Community & Health department in Croke Park.
We look forward to welcoming members of the Edwards Lifesciences team to Parteen in the lead up to the community fun day. The community fun day will include free heart health checks by Croí, the heart and stroke charity.
As always, thanks to our members for their continued support in everything we do and to our hardworking coaches and committee members also.
Páirtín Abú