Club Shop open 5.30 - 7pm this evening Fri 16th at Clubhouse.
Club gear, personalised water bottles, sliotars, wall balls, midi socks, hurley's and grips will be available.
PJ Flanagan , local hurley maker, will be at the Clubhouse at 6pm if anybody would like to be measured correctly for a hurley.
If you do not wish to attend the shop you can order by emailing or texting 087 452 2111.
Place correct money in an envelope and collection can be arranged.
Health Questionnaire :
Just a reminder to parents that when you complete the Health Questionnaire prior to each training session you are "Reconfirming" that the player:
- does not have Covid symptoms
- has not been a contact of a positive case
- has not been advised to restrict movements
- has not had recent travel abroad.
Thank you all for your compliance on these important regulations.
Club Lotto:
Reminder that our only weekly fundraiser, the club lotto, is held in the Clubhouse at 9pm each Monday.
Buy in local shops or online: